Algae Omega-3 Oil Supplements, What Are The Benefits?

by Mr Plant Based

When we choose a plant-based diet, we choose what to eat based on deeply held principals.

Do you consider your physical health to be your top priority?

Do you consider the lives and treatment of animals when you opt not to consume meat or animal products?

Do the environmental costs associated with animal products in the food industry worry you?

Whatever your reasons may be, you think a lot about what you put into your body.

It’s only natural that you are curious to know what the benefits are of consuming algae Omega-3 oil as a part of your daily diet.

In this article, I’ll take a look at why Omega-3s are such an important part of our diet. I’ll also look at why Omega-3 produced from algae is the perfect supplement to ensure that you get your daily dose.

What are Omega-3’s, Anyway?

We have all seen “high in Omega-3s” written on the labels of certain oils or products in the grocery store. You most likely know that such-and-such food (like flaxseed oil or walnuts, for example) are high in Omega-3s.

But what does that mean? What are Omega-3s and why are they so important for our bodies?

Omega-3s are an entire family of essential fatty acids. There are eleven distinct fatty acids, to be exact.

As of right now, science has identified three as the most important. ALA, DHA, and EPA.

We need to consume these essential fatty acids in our diet because our body needs them to function.

To say that we don’t create them through internal processes is mostly true, but not quite.

If you eat enough ALA essential fatty acid, your body converts it into EPA and DHA through the liver.

The thing is, this process is really inefficient.

ALA is abundant in a plant-based diet. It’s practically everywhere, and most of us don’t have to worry about getting enough of it.

EPA and DHA, however, are almost non-existent in plant-based sources.

Except for algae.

Algae is the best non-animal source of EPA and DHA Omega-3s.

The Benefits of Omega-3s for the Body

Omega-3 fatty acids, especially DHA and EPA, are believed to offer a wide range of health benefits:

  • They can lower blood pressure.
  • They also reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease and lower the risk of heart failure.
  • They are even believed to help regulate arrhythmia and unhealthy cholesterol.
  • When mothers consume enough during pregnancy and lactation, babies and young children show higher visual motor skills, IQ, and generally improved brain development.
  • They may reduce the risk of cancer through anti-inflammatory action in the body
  • Promote general brain health and reduce the risk of dementia, Alzheimer’s, and general cognitive decline associated with aging.
  • Prevent vision loss in aging adults and alleviating Dry Eye Disease.
  • Help reduce the symptoms of arthritis.
  • Support improved mental health, including depression and ADHD in children.
  • Helping reduce symptoms of Inflammatory Bowel Disease.

Now that you are convinced about the benefits of DHA and EPA in your diet, let’s talk about why Omega-3 from algae oil is your best option to consume them.

The Benefits of Algae Omega-3 Oil

This might sound repetitive, but I’ll say it again.

Algae are the only plant-based source for DHA and EPA.

Otherwise, your next best option is to consume fish or take a fish oil supplement.

It’s worth taking a moment to understand that fish are not actually born (or hatch) with all the DHA and EPA that they need. Like people, fish have to eat Omega-3 containing foods to accumulate it in their organism.

Fish eat algae.

That’s where all this Omega-3 bio-accumulation in the food chain starts. With algae. So why not go straight to the source?

Algae oils also have the added benefit of being a great source of other lipids known as phytosterols.

These lipids have a healthy effect on cholesterol levels and are thought to help prevent prostate disorders.

Like Omega-3’s, we have to consume phytosterols in our diet and algae are a great source.

Another benefit that algae oil offers? It is free from contaminants.

It is no secret that many fish in the ocean are heavily contaminated with heavy metals, particularly mercury. These heavy metals build up in the food chain.

By consuming certain fish, seafood, or products derived from fish such as fish oil, these toxins enter into our bodies.

Algae (especially microalgae) being at the very bottom of the food chain, are a clean source for your essential Omega-3s.

With algae Omega-3’s there is no need to worry about chemicals or heavy metal contamination.

Beyond Nutrition

Choosing algae Omega-3 supplements is a great option for your health, but it is also the best option for the environment.

Even if you ignore the issues of pollution and its resulting contamination in fish, it is impossible to ignore the consequences of depleted fish stocks. Overfishing and the food-chain collapse that it is causing in the world’s oceans are worrisome problems.

When you choose Omega-3’s from algae oil, you are supporting not only your own health but that of the planet.

Many high-quality algae Omega-3 oils are currently being made from algae that are sustainably farmed in what is referred to as ‘algaculture’.

One such product is Vivo’s Omega-3 supplement. This company uses a variety of algae known as Schizachyrium that is grown in a carefully controlled algaculture environment.

I love Vivo Life products, you can get a discount code if you to check out this article I did here.

Clean water, light, minerals, and carbon dioxide are the only inputs necessary to grow algae.

Algae can be grown and harvested without the risk of contamination to the algae or the environment in which it is grown.

The farming of algae is a sustainable industry, and algae are increasingly considered an invaluable renewable resource.

It is interesting to note that algae are not just used to produce Omega-3 oils for human consumption. They are also a key ingredient in feeds for other farmed seafood.

Different varieties of algae are being used in the production of biofuels.

There is also a lot of research happening about how algae can be used to sequester carbon dioxide.

The Benefits of Algae Omega-3 Oil Are Worth the Cost

Overall, when you consider all the benefits, you can’t go wrong by choosing an Omega-3 oil derived from algae.

With this one simple decision – to consume a supplement from a renewable plant-based source – you are protecting your health with the peace of mind that you are also protecting the environment.

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